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Steps of NHST

NHST Step 1

NHST Step 2

NHST Step 3

NHST Step 4

Calculate \(SOS_{b}\) and \(df_{b}\)

Sum of the \(n\) of each group times the squared deviations of each group mean from the grand mean.

\(SOS_{b} = \sum{\left[n_j\left(\overline{X}_{j} - \overline{X}_{..}\right)^2\right]}\)

\(SOS_{b} = n_1\left(\overline{X}_1 - \overline{X}_{..}\right)^2 + n_2\left(\ove...

...erline{X}_{..}\right)^2 + n_3\left(\overline{X}_3 - \overline{X}_{..}\right)^2\)

\(SOS_{b} = 4\left(22.75 - 17.25\right)^2 + 4\left(11.5 - 17.25\right)^2 + 4\left(17.5 - 17.25\right)^2 = 253.50\)

\(df_{b} = k - 1 = 3 - 1 = 2\)

Calculate \(MS_{b}\)

Calculation of Mean-Square between, an estimate of the between groups variance:

\(MS_{b} = \frac{SOS_{b}}{df_{b}}\)

\(MS_{b} = \frac{253.50}{2}\)

\(MS_{b} = 126.75\)

Calculate \(SOS_{w}\) and \(df_{w}\)

The sum of the squared deviations of each group's score from its group mean (complete calculations available in the handout).

\(SOS_{w} = \sum{\left(X_{ij} - \overline{X}_{j}\right)^2}\)

\(SOS_{w} = \left(X_{11} - \overline{X}_{1}\right)^2 + \left(X_{21} - \overline{...

..._{41} - \overline{X}_{1}\right)^2 + \left(X_{12} - \overline{X}_{2}\right)^2 +\) ... \(+ \left(X_{43} - \overline{X}_{3}\right)^2\)

\(SOS_{w} = \left(25 - 22.75\right)^2 + \left(22 - 22.75\right)^2 + \left(23 - 22.75\right)^2 + \left(21 - 22.75\right)^2 + \left(10 - 11.5\right)^2 +\) ... \(+ \left(16 - 17.5\right)^2 = 18.75\)

\(df_{w} = n_{t} - k = 12 - 3 = 9\)

Calculate \(MS_{w}\)

Calculation of Mean-Square within (often called Mean-Square error), an estimate of the within groups variance:

\(MS_{w} = \frac{SOS_{w}}{df_{w}}\)

\(MS_{w} = \frac{18.75}{9}\)

\(MS_{w} = 2.083\)

Calculate \(SOS_{t}\) and \(df_{t}\)

The sum of the squared deviations of each score from the grand mean (complete calculations available in the handout).

\(SOS_{t} = \sum{\left(X_{ij} - \overline{X}_{..}\right)^2}\)

\(SOS_{t} = \left(X_{11} - \overline{X}_{..}\right)^2 + \left(X_{21} - \overline...

...41} - \overline{X}_{..}\right)^2 + \left(X_{12} - \overline{X}_{..}\right)^2 +\) ... \(+ \left(X_{43} - \overline{X}_{..}\right)^2\)

\(SOS_{t} = \left(25 - 17.25\right)^2 + \left(22 - 17.25\right)^2 + \left(23 - 17.25\right)^2 + \left(21 - 17.25\right)^2 + \left(10 - 17.25\right)^2 +\) ... \(\left(16 - 17.25\right)^2 = 272.25\)

\(df_{t} = n_{t} - 1 = 12 - 1 = 11\)

Build the ANOVA Summary Table and Calculate \(F\)

Table 2: NHST Example ANOVA Summary Table
Source \(SOS\) \(df\) \(MS\) \(F_{calc}\)
Between 253.50 2 126.75 60.84
Within 18.75 9 2.083
Total 272.25 11

Recall, \(SOS / df = MS\) and \(MS_{b} / MS_{w} = F_{calc}\)
\(F_{calc} = \frac{MS_{b}}{MS_{w}} = \frac{126.75}{2.083} = 60.84\)

Notice that \(SOS_{b} + SOS_{w} = SOS_{t}\) and
\(df_{b} + df_{w} = df_{t}\)

NHST Step 5

Compare and make a decision.

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jds0282 2010-10-21