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Planned Comparisons

Planned Comparisons

Simple Comparisons

Simple Comparisons Example

Planned Comparison 1: Red ( \(\overline{X} = 22.75\)) versus Blue ( \(\overline{X} = 17.50\))

\(\overline{X}_{..} = 20.125\) \(df_{b} = k - 1 = 2 - 1 = 1\)

\(SOS_{b} = \sum{n_{j}\left(\overline{X}_{j} - \overline{X}_{..}\right)^2}\)

\(SOS_{b} = 4\left(22.75 - 20.125\right)^2 + 4\left(17.50 - 20.125\right)^2 = 55.12\)

\(MS_{b} = SOS_{b} / df_{b} = 55.12 / 1 = 55.12\)

\(SOS_{w}\) and \(df_{w}\) are the same as was used for the omnibus \(F\), so \(MS_{w}\) is the same as well: 2.083

\(F_{calc} = MS_{b} / MS_{w} = 55.12 / 2.083 = 26.46\)

So; \(F_{calc} = 26.46 > 5.12 = F_{crit}\) we reject the null hypothesis and conclude that the Red group recalled significantly more words than the Blue group.

Planned Comparison 2: Green ( \(\overline{X} = 11.50\)) versus Blue ( \(\overline{X} = 17.50\))

\(\overline{X}_{..} = 14.50\) \(df_{b} = k - 1 = 2 - 1 = 1\)

\(SOS_{b} = \sum{n_{j}\left(\overline{X}_{j} - \overline{X}_{..}\right)^2}\)

\(SOS_{b} = 4\left(11.50 - 14.50\right)^2 + 4\left(11.50 - 14.50\right)^2 = 72.0\)

\(MS_{b} = SOS_{b} / df_{b} = 72.00 / 1 = 72.00\)

\(SOS_{w}\) and \(df_{w}\) are the same as was used for the omnibus \(F\), so \(MS_{w}\) is the same as well: 2.083

\(F_{calc} = MS_{b} / MS_{w} = 72.00 / 2.083 = 34.57\)

So; \(F_{calc} = 34.57 > 5.12 = F_{crit}\) we reject the null hypothesis and conclude that the Green group recalled significantly fewer words than the Blue group.

Family-wise and Pair-wise Error Rates

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jds0282 2010-10-21