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Post-hoc Testing

Post-hoc Testing

More on Post-hoc tests in general

More on \(q\)

Tukey's Honestly Significant Differences test

Tukey's HSD continued

Green Blue Red
\(q_{r,.05} = 2.85\) 11.50 17.50 22.75
Green = 11.50 0 6.00 11.25
Blue = 17.50 - 0 5.25
Red = 22.75 - - 0

Games-Howell Post-hoc Test

Games-Howell modification of \(df\)

Example \(df'\)

As an example let's consider the Red and Green groups.

\(df' = \frac{\left(\frac{S_{i}^2}{n_{i}}+\frac{S_{j}^2}{n_{j}}\right)^2}{\frac{...

....92}{4}\right)^2}{4 - 1}+\frac{\left(\frac{1.66}{4}\right)^2}{4 - 1}} = 5.5787\)

Games-Howell difference between means

Minimum Significant Difference

Red \(\overline{X} = 22.75\) and Green \(\overline{X} = 11.50\)

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jds0282 2010-10-21