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Post-hoc Testing
- In exploratory research, you would test all possible combinations of groups to determine where the significant differences are located (typically only if the omnibus is significant).
- Most researchers always do either planned comparisons (preferred) or post-hoc testing (exploratory), because the omnibus is not terribly informative on its own.
- There are many types of post-hoc procedures, each has strengths and weaknesses ... but, some are better than others.
- Some suggestions:
- If assumptions met: Tukey's HSD or REGW-Q.
- If unequal group sizes: Games-Howell.
- If unequal variances: Games-Howell.
More on Post-hoc tests in general
- Most post-hoc tests rely on the distribution or a modification of it.
- FYI: which means, the simple (two group) comparisons above can be converted with
- The modified distribution is often called the Studentized t statistic.
- Symbol for the Studentized is:
- It is defined by:
- where
refers to the largest mean among the groups,
the smallest, and is the number of individuals per group.
More on
- When using we first must rank the means from smallest to largest.
- For our example:
- There are 3 means in this set, which is used in looking up values in the table (the table below uses the familar instead of but, most use ).
- Using the formula from above, we can solve for
- So
and we can use , significance level of 0.05, and to find
in the table.
- Given
, we reject the null hypothesis and conclude there was a significant difference between the largest and smallest means.
- Which can replace the omnibus , but with less statistical power.
Tukey's Honestly Significant Differences test
- Tukey's HSD is considered one of the original post-hoc tests and offers a fixed family-wise error rate at alpha (significance level).
- Once we have ranked the means
and found our critical value (
) we can calculate the minimum difference between means needed to discover a significant difference.
- So, if a mean difference (
) is larger than 2.85 we would conclude there is a significant difference between those two means.
Tukey's HSD continued
- With our minimum significant difference calculated at 2.85; we can compare the differences among our three means to it, to determine which means differ significantly from the others.
Green |
Blue |
Red |
11.50 |
17.50 |
22.75 |
Green = 11.50 |
0 |
6.00 |
11.25 |
Blue = 17.50 |
- |
0 |
5.25 |
Red = 22.75 |
- |
- |
0 |
- So, we find a significant difference between each pair of means because, each difference is greater than 2.85.
Games-Howell Post-hoc Test
- The Tukey test above assumes equal sample sizes for each group and equal variances among the groups.
- Often `real data' do not conform to what we would expect and these assumptions are often violated.
- The Games-Howell test provides a method for when either (or both) of the assumptions are not upheld.
- Essentially, this test incorporates the samples sizes and variances of each group being compared.
- The and the critical difference between means (
) are modified for inclusion of samples sizes and variances.
Games-Howell modification of
- Until now we have consistently used for finding our critical values (e.g., ).
- With the Games-Howell test, we actually calculate using each groups' sample size and variance; such that for each pair of groups:
- where subscript and subscript identify descriptive statistics from each group being compared.
As an example let's consider the Red and Green groups.
- Red (i):
- Green (j):
- Pay careful attention to the fact that is a symbol, not an operation.
- See the supplemental handout for an example of the complete, step-by-step calculation.
Games-Howell difference between means
Minimum Significant Difference
- So, given , significance level of 0.05, and now we look to the table and find:
- Where earlier we had:
- Now, for each pair of means, we have:
- For the current Red vs. Green example:
and Green
- Given our minimum significant difference (for this pair) of 4.379, we need an actual mean difference larger than this to conclude a significant difference was present.
- Clearly,
is greater than 4.379; which indicates the Red group recalled significantly more words than the Green group.
- Just remember, all that calculating must be done for each group because each group may have a different sample size and more than likely will have a different variance ().
- The ANOVA and associated tests of individual means (planned comparisons or post-hoc tests) are vulnerable to violations of the homogeneity assumption.
- Therefore, the Games-Howell test is highly recommended.
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Previous: Comparisons