Jon Starkweather, PhD
September 30, 2010
The following article discusses how ``I'' installed LATEX2HTML on my work computer, a Windows (32-bit) XP machine. The motivation for me writing this article was to provide others, who may be interested in using LATEX2HTML, with some guidance on the installation adventure. It was an adventure for me and hopefully, as a result, it will not be an adventure for you.
First, you will need administrator privileges to alter some aspects of your system's PATH and to be able to install some of the utilities used by LaTeX2HTML. If you do not understand what I mean by PATH in the previous statement, don't worry. We'll cover that. For now, just make sure you have administrator privileges. Second, you will need to have and be able to use WinZip. Third, you may notice I rigidly recommend specific versions of some programs below. This is because, if you have a different version of a program (a good example is Ghostscript), the directory structure and included files may differ from what I used, which then alters the way you configure and install LATEX2HTML.
Before we really begin, there are a few points worth noting. All the software mentioned below is freely available; meaning, you can download all the latest versions from the web, from their respective sites (e.g. Strawberry Perl). However, I have provided UNT based links to the exact versions of the software I used and I super-duper-strongly recommend you stick with them. As mentioned above; if you deviate from those versions provided, you very likely will have difficulties configuring and installing LATEX2HTML. If you are a savvy computer user/administrator, you'll notice I tend to make some unnecessary steps; meaning I tend to be very cautious. Obviously, you are free to wander in your own direction; I have tried to make this article as user friendly as possible for those who may not be as technically savvy as you. I do not consider myself very technically savvy and that is why I'm so cautious.
So, we will start from scratch; meaning, with no utilities or MikTex / LATEXinstalled (in the right places!).