This was the start page for Mike Clark's stat courses that he taught for the department of psychology. He is no longer at UNT but may be found here. The pages will be left in case
any former students or folks who stumble in randomly from the web might find something useful. The last update of any kind was Spring of 2009. Best of luck in your research efforts.
Select a course page from the drop down
menu. You will find specific news for the course there as well
as the syllabus.
- Stats in the news: SPSS
changes names. Picks worse acronym to replace the
previously awful 'orphan-acronym'.
- Stat stuff Mike's doing:
- Regression trees, Model averaging, HLM/MLM, tobit regression,
quantile regression
- Stat stuff Mike's reading:
- Elements of Statistical Learning (Hastie, Tibshirani, &
- Applied Regression Analysis (Fox)
- Data Mining (Witten and Frank)
- Data Analysis Using Regression and Multilevel/Hierarchical
Models (Gelman & Hill)
Stat Quote of the Week
"If several theories are consistent with the observed data,
retain them all." Epicurus
Past quotes of the week
Statistical Pic of the Week
(send your own!) Bias-variance tradeoff
Old graphics.
Bad psych/Good
psych (send me any you come across!):
Not sure what's worse, the research question or pathetic news
reporting of the results.
Happy people watch less tv.
Past stuff.