This page is primarily for students so that they can perhaps get a better feel for who they're dealing with and maybe even find ways to relate that otherwise would not have been obvious.  While you may find some insights what you will not find is a definition.  People often make fairly ridiculous generalizations based on such limited information; try not to be one of those people.  As would be obvious to anyone with a modicum of common sense, the views and opinions expressed by yadda yadda do not necessarily coincide with blah blah.



Undergraduate:  TCU - B.S. major in Philosophy and Psychology 

Graduate: UNT Ph.D. Experimental Psychology with minor in Statistics.


Current activities

Currently reading: Elements of Statistical Learning (Hastie et al.)
Last couple books completed: Dhalgren (Delaney),The Vermont Notebook (Ashbery and Brainard), Charles Sanders Peirce: A Life (Brent)
Last movie seen: Watchmen (This will probably stay awhile. I go to movies about once every year or so.)


Typical workday: Reading about science and its methods, doing some of it, preparing for class and reading for it 

Typical weekend: The above, but less of it... sometimes.  I get to do what I like as a job. 

Likes: thinking, relaxing, trying to figure out ‘Why anything?’, learning new things in general

Dislikes: ignorance, laziness, hypocrisy (and yes I dislike these in myself also), relativism, APA

Scholastic stuff

Classes I have taught:  General Psychology, Health Psychology, Developmental Psychology, History of Psychology, Advanced Cognitive Psychology, Research and Quantitative Methods, Multivariate methods, Methods for the Journalism department, Short courses on statistical programs (I'm willing to teach anything because in the end I know I'll at least learn something)

Favorite class to teach: History of Psychology 

Favorite philosophers: Ancient Taoists, C.S. Peirce, Hume, Meister Eckhart, Russell, Dennett, Flanagan (not so much his philosophy but his collections)

Favorite psychologists: see above.  Add Fechner, Stanley Milgram, Paul Meehl

Favorite stats guys: Tukey, Cohen, R. Wilcox, Abelson, though I'm starting to get more into measurement folk.  Basically I like anyone that's given psychology a means to improve its approach to science.


Favorite music:  I used to take music very seriously, thank goodness I grew out of that. Some all time favorites would include Pavement, Bedhead/The New Year, Pixies, Big Black/Shellac, Guided by Voices, Chavez, Spoon, Yo la Tengo, Slint, Sonic Youth. 

Favorite movies:  I like a "good" sci-fi, though I've never been big into the literature. 2001, Star Trek, Blade Runner, Solaris, Star Wars, Primer, Dark City, Matrix.  Other favorite movies include, Hero, anything by Aronofsky, Sin City, Films by Hal Hartley (e.g. Henry Fool). From anime:  pretty much what would make most 'all-time' top 10 lists but all time favorite is Ghost in the Shell (the writers appear to know more about psychology than many psychologists), with works by Miyazaki following close behind.

Favorite TV stuff:  I haven't owned a TV for years so I’m fairly out of the loop with what’s going on nowadays (getting caught up some via Hulu and related on the web), but stuff I like from the past includes The Prisoner, Simpsons, Futurama, Mr. Show, Family Guy, Firefly, 60s era Batman, Star Trek original, Arrested Development

Favorite literature: Donald Barthelme, Surrealism (e,g, Lautreamont, Apollinaire, Mallarme), Bill Knott, Ashbery, Huxley, Albee, Beckett, Fitzgerald, Mayakovsky, R. Carver, Denis Johnson, Bukowski

Favorite artists: Mondrian and de Stijl in general, Miro, post WWII Japanese abstract painting, Rothko and some others who might fall under ‘color field’ stylings.

Favorite video games past and present:  Deus Ex is hands down my favorite, and I still pick it up from time to time. Morrowind/Oblivion, World of Warcraft, Knights of the Old Republic, Portal. 

Favorite websites:  Don't really have favorites per se, but ones I go to often are NY Times, Slashdot, Wikipedia, and AV Club.