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Introduction to SAS - Exercise

Data | Procedures | Examples | Download | Exercise

Creation date: 7/17/98
Author: Karl Ho

1.  Click here to download the and country.dat files. Save the files in c:\temp directory. Read in the program in SAS (Hint: File-Open in Program Editor or use the command INCLUDE '' in the command box). Run the program under SAS for Windows. Make sure you point to the right data file. (Hint: the data file for this program is called "country.dat" which resides in the directory)

2. Run a correlation between military expenditure (MILEXP) and Gross National Product (GNP).  Interpret the result.

3. How do you test the effects of educational expenditure (EDUCEXP) and size of the country (AREA) on economic development (DODEV)? 


Last updated: 01/18/06 by Karl Ho.