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Introduction to SAS - Exercise

Data | Procedures | Examples | Download | Exercise | Manuals | Evaluation

Creation date: 7/17/98
Author: Karl Ho

1.  Right click the links to download the and exercise.dat files. Save the files in c:\temp directory. Read in the program titled "" in SAS (Hint: File-Open in Program Editor or use the command INCLUDE '' in the command box). Run the program under SAS for Windows. Make sure you point to the right data file. (Hint: the data file for this program is called "exercise.dat" which resides in the directory)

2. Create a library called EXERCISE for the data set on the same directory and put the file under that library. (HINT: you need to place a statement like this: libname exercise ‘c:\temp’)

3. Explore the SAS/INSIGHT and SAS/LAB modules using the menu. Create a Line Plot of the rainfall distribution. (Hint: Global --> Analyze --> Interactive data analysis/Guided data Analysis)


Last updated: 01/18/06 by Karl Ho.