Creation date:12/06/1999
Authored by: Karl Ho


How to send multiple files to other users in CMS?

To send a file to another CMS user, you can type "SENDFILE / USERID" at the command column of the file being sent.  The "/" sign stands for the current file.  If you want to send multiple files in one batch, you can use the sendfile application.  The procedures are as follows:

1. Put all files on the temporary disk (To create a temp disk, type the command "TEMPDISK" at the Ready mode);
2. Create a file list for all files by typing:

file myfile

at the Command cursor of the tempdisk filelist, where "myfile" is the name you assign to represent the file list (Note the file list is different from the filelist, which lists all the files.  The file list is a list of file names put in a file).

3. Quit the filelist and go back to Ready mode. Type:


4. At the screen, fill in the MYFILE file list, which is MYFILE FILELIST A.

5. Specify the recipient

6. Choose 1 on "This file is actually a list of files to be sent?" as follows:

---------------- SENDFILE ---------------

File(s) to be sent (use * for Filename, Filetype and/or Filemode
to select from a list of files)
Enter filename : myfile
filetype : filelist
filemode : a

Send files to : IA79

Type over 1 for YES or 0 for NO to change the options:

0 Request acknowledgement when the file has been received?
1 Make a log entry when the file has been sent?
1 Display the file name when the file has been sent?
1 This file is actually a list of files to be sent?
0 TCP/IP destinations to be transmitted by Unsolicited File Transfer?

A Spool class to use when sending the file(s)

7. Hit F5 to send all files on the tempdisk.


Last updated: 01/18/06 by Karl Ho