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Creation date: 10/27/99
Authored by: Karl Ho


Analyzing large data sets with SAS for CMS?


SAS requires temporary space about two times of the size of the data set to run the analysis.  On CMS, SAS relies on the temporary disk created to accommodate the large requirement of space.   In case the temp disk runs out of space, you can use the SAS option to redirect the program to look elsewhere for temporary space.  Do the following to get around the space problem:

1. Create a temporary disk using the tempdisk command;
2. Move the program and data files to the temp disk;
3. Run the program with the following command:

SAS filename (siodisk=e)

where e is the temp disk created for temporary space.

REMEMBER to release the space once the job is done.  Holding the space will prevent other users from using the space for temp disks. The command for releasing the space is:

REL 193 (det


Last updated: 01/18/06 by Karl Ho