- R: see the R
- S-Plus Student
Edition - This version of S-Plus has a 20,000 cell or 1,000 row
limitation; is only for educational use; is good for only one
year; and is a rather large download (100+ meg) - Windows
- Free
Graphical Modeling Software (similar to SEM)
- S-Plus
Research Libraries - Includes: S+CorrelatedData (mixed effects
generalized linear models), S+Best (B-Spline methods), S+Resample
(bootstrap library), S+Bayes (bayesian analysis), S+FDA
(functional data analysis).
- G*Power
(power analyses, effect size, sample size calculations)
- R2 & NDC -
Software for non-central confidence intervals (now incorporated
into the MBESS package for R)
- Non-central
CI's - SAS, SPSS, S-Plus/R scripts for non-central confidence
interval computation
- WinBugs
(Bayesian analyses ) - Windows, Linux, Unix OS
- OpenBugs (Open
Source project based on WinBugs)
- Octave
(comprehensive statistical package akin to Matlab) - Linux, Unix
- Quantian
Project - Quantian is a re-mastering of Knoppix,
the self-configuring and directly bootable cdrom/dvd that turns
any pc or laptop into a full-featured Linux workstation. Quantian
differs from Knoppix by adding a large number of programs of
interest to applied or theoretical workers in quantitative or
data-driven fields.
- Gretl - Gnu Regression,
Econometrics and Time-series Library; with R accessability
- DAP:
statistics and graphics package based on C
- Openstat
(performs basic and even multivariate stats with GUI interface) -
Windows OS, C++ Source files
Here is a website with an
extensive list of free and demo statistical software.
Here is an older RSS Matters article outlining
various statistical resources